Monday, July 12, 2010
It's Me Again...
The Fitness Challenge has really helped me become a healthier person too. Since I have stopped drinking pop, I find that I no longer crave it and love it as a treat on Sunday's or when Adam and I go out. I think no eating after 7:30 is going to have to be a permanent rule for me. I never realized how much I enjoyed snacking late at night until that was taken away from me. Weight loss goals and the fitness challenge have really helped me get into a healthier lifestyle and I am feeling better than I have in years... literally years. :)
Adam is rocking the weight loss charts and is going to have to go shopping for new clothes. I know his last post was a bit disturbing, but I wouldn't ever want to go up against him in a weight loss challenge, he has more self-control than anyone I have ever met. I think I can learn a lot from my husband. Now... what can he learn from me?
I hope you are all doing well. Give us an update on your lives when you get a chance.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Adam vs Britney
Just to let you know that Britney is having a hard time keeping up with my weight loss. You can all call or email her and give her words of encouragement. Actually she isn't the only one who is having a hard time keeping up with my weight loss but who is keeping track:0 You can look over at my ticker and if I have any challengers let me know. I thought I would throw this disturbing picture in for Hillary to remind her to keep doing her Yoga, I bet you cant do this yet Hil. Keep up the Pudge
Jason Johns
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Post-Biopsy Inquiry

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Frank Parmenters

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Getting Started
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Anyone up for a CHALLENGE????..... issued by Lindsey
Here’s the lowdown:
Cost of Entry:$25
Winner takes 80%
2nd place takes 20%
Each of the following will earn you ONE point per day, plus ONE bonus point per week if you don't miss a day:
No Desserts (6 points possible, plus 1 point bonus = 7 possible per week)
No Soda (6, plus 1 = 7 possible per week)
No Eating after 7:30pm (6, plus 1 = 7 possible per week)
Exercising (30 minutes, elevated heart rate) (6, plus 1 = 7 possible per week)
Scriptures (at least 1 chapter) (6, plus 1 = 7 possible per week)
Weekly Challenge (6, plus 1 = 7 possible per week)
Wait, you say! There are SEVEN days in a week! That's the beauty of it, my friends - you have Sundays off. Yippee! You can look forward to that one dessert or that one soda one day a week - easier to stay on track and get back into it on Monday!
There are THREE MORE possible points per week.
ONE point per week for Weight Loss - if you've lost at least one pound, or maintained your ideal weight, you get a point.
ONE point per week for Family Home Evening - that's right - doesn't matter which night you hold it on, just as long as you organize and carry it out! One point if you do!
ONE point per week will be a Mystery Point – participants will offer suggestions and then one will be drawn each week.
So… what do you think? Some of you already have awesome healthy habits and no desserts or soda will be easy-peasy. Some of you run your little pants off anyway, so doing some form of exercise daily is no big deal. The extra weekly challenges include things like fitting in your 5 servings of fruit every day for the week, doing 100 sit-ups every day, or getting your recommended 7 hours of sleep. These change weekly to add a little variety and new challenge.
Come on, you could win some decent money here… and get in shape… and develop or break some significant habits… all while having the support (and competition) of a fun group of people across the country! We’ll share ideas and probably taunt a little, it will be great. Let me know if you have questions… and let me know if you’re in!!! Swimsuit body, here I come!!
Invite anyone you think might be interested. The Parmenter Fitness Challenge begins June 14, 2010!
LWLA: Weekly Update
Today started off really well. I got up and got a really good 1/2 hour workout in and have watched my calories so far today. If I keep going like this, then it is going to be a good week. My goal for this week is 3 lbs. I would love to be back in the 250's again! I found a six week exercise program in Corrine's Prevention magazine that will help me get to the point where I can run 3 miles without stopping. Today I did a little over a mile without stopping. I know some of you might be able to do this already, but it has been a while since I was able to do that long of a run without walking for a while. I'll let you know if it works.
Adam had a great weight loss last week and hurt his knees exercising so he is planning on eating really well again and doing the exercise he can and is hoping for a couple lbs. shed by next Monday. How was your week?