(p.s., that is not a picture of my belly, believe it or not.)
So, when the Frank Parmenters were up in Colorado visiting, we all decided to start a blog about our New Year’s Resolutions to be healthier people. This is our support network and accountability forum. Someone had to start this and being the loud-mouth that I am, you knew it was going to be me. So, to kick off our blog and our new year of being healthier, I wrote an ode to commemorate the occasion. Don’t get up in arms about it, I was just being funny (and keep in mind that I wrote it while eating one…or three…of Corrine’s wagon wheel cookies. Hey, the new year has yet to begin).
Ode To The Pudge
An ode to our pudge;
We’ll miss you so much.
But we think we’d prefer it
If our thighs didn’t touch.
We have double-chins
But only need one.
We could accept double chins
But not double-bums.
One of us is pregnant
Some of us are lazy
All of us are busy
And life is getting crazy.
So goodbye dearest pudge
An old friend that we’ll miss.
I already feel hungry;
Whose idea was this?!
I know, I know. It’s not one of my finest. But it’s hard to eat corn-nuts and type at the same time :). My plan is running/Jillian Micheals’ 30 Minute Shred. Frankie’s plan is our skunked P90X discs. What are your big plans?
Ode To The Pudge
An ode to our pudge;
We’ll miss you so much.
But we think we’d prefer it
If our thighs didn’t touch.
We have double-chins
But only need one.
We could accept double chins
But not double-bums.
One of us is pregnant
Some of us are lazy
All of us are busy
And life is getting crazy.
So goodbye dearest pudge
An old friend that we’ll miss.
I already feel hungry;
Whose idea was this?!
I know, I know. It’s not one of my finest. But it’s hard to eat corn-nuts and type at the same time :). My plan is running/Jillian Micheals’ 30 Minute Shred. Frankie’s plan is our skunked P90X discs. What are your big plans?