I have been thinking about exercise and getting back into shape for months now and am grateful I can actually put a plan into action. My plan started this morning by putting Montanna in the backpack and Eden in the front carrier and setting off for a stroll. I am not sure exactly how far we went, maybe a mile? But the wind was blowing so hard and with Montanna rocking back and forth, I think I got a little bit of a workout. I am looking forward to more walks like this. Montanna and I sing the whole time and Eden just slept. I am sure she will keep on just sleeping for a couple more months.
I also plan on getting on the treadmill this afternoon as soon as either Adam can stop working for a while or Britney gets home so I don't have to jump off as soon as I hear Eden squeak. Montanna has done pretty well at staying off of the treadmill as long as she gets her turn when someone is finished. She can actually do pretty well on speed 1. I plan on doing at least 3 miles. I don't know exactly how long that is going to take me. Maybe I'll go further, or maybe it will take me an hour just to reach that goal. I'll have to let you know when I report back.
Here are my goals so far:
1: Run on the treadmill 5 days a week. Logging in at least 3 miles each time.
2: Eat small meals and don't ever let myself get full. Just satisfied.
3: Drink lots of water - although I am going to allow myself to drink 2 pops a week. If I cut this out completely, I think I will do okay for a little while, and then just start drinking pop again like crazy. By 2 pops, I mean, 2-12 oz cans. Probably as a treat on the weekend.
4: Go on walks with Eden and Montanna at least 3 days a week if not 5. I know I may not be able to get out every day, so I want to make this an achievable goal. Montanna loves to be outside and the weather is finally starting to warm up and it makes it perfect for playing and walking outside.
5: Weigh myself each Monday and record my weight loss so everyone can see it and hold me accountable.
It is a little bit embarrassing letting everyone know that I weigh 170.6 as of today, but maybe if I get that embarrassment over with, you can all celebrate with me when I reach my goal of 135. I know I will feel so much better about myself and I will be so much more excited to go shopping. So now you all know how much I weigh. Hopefully I will be in the 160's next Monday. I think it's a pretty good bet that I will, but I guess you never know.
I am going to put a weight loss ticker on the side of the blog so you can all keep track of how I am doing and if anyone else would like one, I can create it for you or show you how to do it. Wish me luck! Although I am excited now, I know it is going to be a challenge to lose this weight, but I am excited to be at the weight I was when Adam and I started dating almost 5 years ago. My weight has just slowly gone upward with each month and year since then. Good luck to all of you as well.
Here is a picture of Montanna, Eden and I heading out on our walk this morning. Eden is still such a peanut that she is completely covered. It was too windy to take off the blanket. I am going to have Adam take a BEFORE picture of me tonight. I would like to say I am brave enough to do it Biggest Loser Style, but I am afraid I am not. I think it will be fun to look at a before and after picture when I am done. I am saying "bye, bye" to double chins!
**Update** I only logged 2 miles today. It looks like I am going to have to work up to where I want to be. It sounded a lot easier than it was. :)
good luck, Linds! i know you can do it (and with 2 babies strapped to you, you'll probably do it quicker than you anticipated!)